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Customer Survey

Please tell us what you think of our clinic, it will only take a minute…
It will help us to know what we are doing well and what we can do better!

1) How easy was your booking/admin process? (score 1 not at all easy to 5 extremely easy)

2) How easy was it to find an appointment time which suited you? (score 1 not at all easy to 5 extremely easy)

3) How easy was it to find directions to the clinic? (score 1 not at all easy to 5 extremely easy)

4) Was it possible to park in one of the clinics spaces?

5) Was your treatment given on time?

6) How well did you understand the explanation of your diagnosis? (score 1 I didn’t understand it to 5 I understood very clearly)

7) How well did you understand the explanation of your treatment? (score 1 I didn’t understand it to 5 I understood very clearly)

8) How effective do you feel your treatment was? (score 1 not effective at all to 5 extremely effective)

9) Do you feel the advice/exercises given were clear?

10) How likely are you to recommend our clinic to colleagues, family or friends? (score 1 not likely to 5 extremely likely)

9 + 5 =

Thank you for taking the time to complete this questionnaire. We really appreciate it and it will help us to continually improve what we do.

We may use your comments on our testimonial page, but they will be kept anonymous. If you’re happy for us to use your name, please let us know by emailing

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